Peeling back the layers, trapped emotions, belief systems that did not align with me and removing the masks was all part of my journey to revealing my true authentic self.
I have always loved art from a very young age and during my most courageous journey, THE JOURNEY WITHIN to discover me, my passion for art resurfaced on a completely different level.
I started this 3 dimensional piece titled “The Journey Within” in 2011 while in my darkest days and completed it in 2017 when my whole life had transformed. I would start it, then leave it, then go back and do a bit more until I finally finished her.
It was not until I completed this piece that I realized how powerful and instrumental she was to my healing process.
She allowed me to express my journey from the dark-side to living in the light, peeling back the layers and removing my many masks.
I look at her now with pride, joy and get so filled with unconditional love for standing up and choosing me and a new way of living. This art piece is a true expression of my journey on the deepest level.
I also look at her and realize how important the 7th Principal of Life is PASSION. Art is a deep passion of mine and sets my soul on fire both creating and teaching.
Do you allow yourself at least a minimum of 10 minutes a day immersing yourself in your deepest passion? If the answer is no, then I highly recommend you start doing something each day that sets your heart and soul on fire.
Finding my passion for my art allowed me to instantly have my business name come to me….REAL heART. I believe nothing can be achieved in life unless it is done with REAL heART.
As my journey and dreams unfold, ART will become apart of the REAL heART label and foundations of healing on many levels.
Below is my art piece “The Journey Within”, that I am honoured to share with you.
Enjoy your weekend and please do something that you are passionate about and sets your heart and soul on fire.
Big Love
Leisa ![?](